Sunday, November 14, 2010


Grandma Mary used to call everyday.
Every. Single. Day.

It was the usual,

"How are you?"
"Have you eaten?"
"Come over for a visit and we'll make some dead bones*."

I think part of the reason she called was because she knew the five of us were home alone wrecking some kind of havoc, as five siblings left to their own devices in a two-story house will do.

She only lived a mile away; less if you were an 11 year-old who knew the horse trails that tentacled through the neighborhoods like the back of her hand. She could have just as easily drove by and caught us chucking kitchen knives into the overgrown lawn, or peeked through the window just as some small body was mid-flight between the banister and the pile of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals that were carelessly piled at the bottom of the staircase.

I suppose she knew better. Or rather, I think she didn't want to spoil our homemade fun.

I would try my best to quickly get her off the phone without letting on my intention. It was one lovely land line for our seven-person household, and call waiting was not in our budget. I had important phone calls I was waiting for; at any moment Joey Fama could be crank calling me to yell "Boobs!" into the receiver. If I missed that call, he'd move on to the next girl on his list and she'd be the one who would get to punch him the next day at school. And I was not one to pass up the opportunity to punch a cute boy in the arm.

At the time, I was sure she was not privy to my hurried, preteen impatience.
But now. Looking back.

Grandma doesn't live a mile away anymore. And I haven't run through horse trails in longer time than I've had my driver's license. And dead bones only get made for weddings. Or funerals.

And Grandma doesn't call everyday anymore. I think now it's my turn. I think it's been my turn for some time now.

When I do pick up the phone and dial my most familial/familiar area code and she picks up, I can't keep her on the phone long enough. Her words are kind and thoughtful, though they come out slower and with quiet cadence. I always want to tell her that I'm sorry I don't call more often, that I miss her, and that I will come see her soon. She always tells me the same thing.

"Melanie, you are always in my heart. Even when I don't see you. You're always there. You all are."

*dead bones are my favorite cookie of all time. An old tradition in my family that came about purely by mistake.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Revisiting McCambridge Park

This photo is from my dad and Uncle Sam's 10th birthday. That's my Uncle Dick kneeling, and my effortlessly beautiful Grandma keeping everyone steady. When we asked Dad (the lanky kid on the left) what he wanted to do for his big six-zero, he sent out this email.

Hi Everyone,
Here is the picture that will be 50 years old next Friday afternoon. It was taken in McCambridge Park in Burbank and when we developed it, Grandma really liked it, and Uncle Sam said "Me too!", and Uncle Dick said "It's groovy". I said "You know, we should take another one on our 60th birthday so it will be all of us in two photographs that are exactly 50 years old". Papa Joe said "Good idea," and I was put in charge of remembering to do it. So that is the true story.
Love, Dad

So that's what we did. I got to do the reshoot. A far cry from the perfection of Papa Joe's eye that I will endlessly be chasing, but I'm proud to be the next Bellomo to snap this shot.

Pretty close, eh? My favorite part was right after...

Happy Birthday, Pop!

Monday, September 6, 2010

RIP Barnaby

I really don't know how to do this, yet. I don't know how to write about it. These pictures are the best I can do right now, but he deserves so much more. Rest in peace, my little one.
Oh how I miss you so much more than I know how to say, except for that I love you the same way. So much more than I know how to say.

Doing What I Do Not Do

I am not a wedding photographer.

Nothing about the way I shoot lends itself to being a wedding photographer (film, labs, old heavy cameras, waiting). I do not have business cards, especially ones with the words, "Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, and Special Events" written beneath my name . I am incapable of charging a fee, for fear that the photos will not turn out and I will be thought of with regret forever after. I detest giving people direction; the phrase, "Move a little to your left," makes me ill. I avoid weddings like one avoids an ex-boyfriend after gaining 15 lbs; you do it if you have to, but you better be wearing a badass dress and have a "plus one."

I am not a wedding photographer. But my life as of late would suggest otherwise.

A year ago, Gabe, a friend from college, asked if I ever shot weddings. I said I had once, but, well, see above. He urged me to think about it, that his fiance loved my photos, and they, above all else, would love to have me there. So I thought about it. I thought about where I would be in August of 2010, I thought of how my photo skills would have surely progressed, I thought of how nice it would be to visit the state my grandparents came from.

But there was another thought happening somewhere in my subconscious as the word, "Sure," so effortlessly tumbled out of my big mouth.... There's something about events that are a year away. I always think they'll never really happen.

As the rental car swerved deep into the Poconos Mountains, further and further away from civilization, I thought,

"This is, in fact, happening."

While Paul and Jill (guests of the wedding and my ride) helped me to recount the times we must have met during our four years at the same college I began to get genuinely excited about the people I would be seeing. The people I vaguely remembered, but knew I thought I really liked I'm pretty sure I hoped.

We arrived at the house where most everyone would be staying and the festivities were well under way. The wedding was scheduled for the next day and friends and family from all over the country were congregating at this impossibly beautiful farm house to "pre-party" as we used to call it at Colorado State.

I found Gabe right away and gave him a big hug. The truth is, I was flattered. Gabe had always kept in touch. His perseverance was unmatched. He sent postcards on a regular basis, followed my blog and berated me to post more, checked in on my website, and just plain cared about what was going on in my life, even when I was silent for months at a time. I was happy to be there with him and for him. Kind of like a way to make up for my lackluster 3 to his sparkling 50 postcards sent. To set the good friend score even and show him that I do value our friendship, regardless of the fact that I had not seen him in more years than I had known him. Oh, and the bride, Lea, was one of the most lovely ladies I had met so far this century.

But that is not the point of this story. The point of this story is that I am not a wedding photographer.

Gabe showed me to my room and I began to unpack. My dress went on a hanger, my book on the bedside table, my toothbrush by the sink, and my charger in the phone. Then onto my film and the systematic divvying up of how many rolls would be allotted for what. Finally I grabbed 1 of the 3 rolls set aside for that night and the precious time to hide behind my camera had arrived. I went to my bag to get it.

My parents once left my little brother behind at a rest stop during a cross country road trip. They realized it a few miles down the road, sped back, and swooped him up, barely causing a wrinkle in our family vacation.

My camera, unlike, my little brother, was not a few miles down the road. No, no, it was, say, 2700 miles down the road, AKA, on the other side of the country. It is difficult to relay the pure horror-agony-panic trifecta that set in the moment I realized that my entire purpose of being at that moment was not with me.

My first instinct was to run, naturally. Because, ya, that made sense. Just run away and never come back and they'll think you died and they'll never ever know that you destroyed the single most important day of their young lives. This truly seemed like a more than viable, and flat out reasonable solution. But there were too many of them! They were everywhere. In the halls, behind every corner, outside, inside, even a few passed out in the field leading to the road, no doubt.

Running was out. Being a grown-up was in.

A short prayer: "Dear God, please let there be cell reception up here in your gorgeous mountains." as I dialed my home number.

"Jon. I left my camera at home."

The next hour was a blur of Jon scouring Craigslist for old Nikons, me sobbing through phone calls to strangers in Scranton asking if they'd take $175 (all the dough I had on me) instead of $250 for their camera, and occasional silent mental breakdowns every 10 minutes or so. Finally we found Russian Steve in Allentown selling an old Nikon for the right price and promising in the most unsettling tone,

"You can drust me, eet workz. Eet workz pearfectly."

Up at 6am to start my 2 1/2 hour drive to Allentown to test his camera, drive back, and make it to the Poconos by 11:30am to start shooting the girls getting pretty and the boys hitting the back 9. Fat chance. Or more specifically, morbidly-obese-needs-stomach-stapling chance.

For the first time in my life, I did not get lost driving to a new place from a new place. That was the only thing that went right that morning. Russian Steve did have an old Nikon, but "eet" did not work. At all.

Mid-meltdown on his couch under a painting of Jesus at Gethsemane, he revealed to me that he did have this other Nikon. This other Nikon caused a series of begging and pleading with Russian Steve to please accept a personal check on top of my $175 so that I could purchase it and not have to kill myself because I single handedly ruined an old friend's wedding day. He finally conceded and handed over a beautiful old Nikon F4. A dream camera of mine, to be honest, but the glory of my possession of it fell flat in this veritable nightmare.

I believe I kept my fingers crossed the entire drive back to the Poconos, hoping against hope that this F4 would not only work, but take beautiful photos and save the God-damned, God-forsaken day.

I arrived at the bridal suite at 12pm and the ladies had just begun getting their hairs done.

Here's what happened next...

I think if I were a wedding photographer, this experience may have kicked me right out of the business. Luckily, I am not a wedding photographer, and this experience was one of the most special and fun I have had in quite some time. And though I didn't have my "plus one," I sure as shit had one badass dress.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jenny O + Scout: Una Storia d'Amore




Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nikkormat, Jr.

Sophia using my old Nikkormat. She shot an entire roll that day. Only needed help winding it; understandable considering its weight/size in proportion to her.
It felt so strange having to explain that she'd have to wait a week before she saw the photos that she took.
And the photos that she took... Amazing. Mostly dogs and people with no heads. And a lot of photos of her brother, Joe. Head included.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Originally uploaded by World Dodgeball Society
The Power of Sandy Compels You.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Getty

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Baby Biggs and Ry-Ry Christ

Rebecca and Ryan got married this summer in St Lucia. I was lucky enough to be there. Aw, Baby Biggs!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Got My Philosophy

It was probably Spring break. I was home and mid-thaw from spending the winter knee-deep in snow at Colorado State. I was at the point in my “don’t-live-at-home-anymore” stage where I thought I had learned enough to have a valid opinion. And the first opinion I decided I had was that Ben Folds played some bad ass piano.

Now, me liking a musician that hadn’t been hand fed to me by one of my siblings was unheard of. My childhood is not recalled by how old I was or what year it happened to be, but rather, which band or album I (and my siblings) was obsessed with at any given time. Each of them had been responsible for one super great obsession.

Sarah aka The Morning Drive Phase: Blizzard of Oz and Houses of The Holy

Mary aka The I Love Calvin Broadus Phase: The Chronic

Angelo aka The Rap is Crap Phase: Metallica, namely, Master of Puppets

Tim aka The Kinder Phase: Little Bunny FooFoo

I never had the need to develop my own musical tastes, as my sisters and brothers were clearly holding it down for me. But being under 20, and over 800 miles away will cause you to establish your own idea of what is awesome. Ben Folds was making me play air-piano way hard and I couldn’t wait to get back to Cali and show the sibs my new moves.

The day I got home, I was sent to the valley to pick up the baby brother from school. Lil Tim was a mess of burgundy with gold trimmings and smelling like a pep rally as he hopped in the passenger’s seat of the Chevy Blazer. We did the customary exchange of yelling nicknames at each other (“Tim-Tam!” “Smellanie!”), and headed back toward the 405.

He asked me how college was going and I asked him how Molly* was. I answered that college was still cold and he answered that he wanted me to stop asking him how Molly was every time we spoke. Once the formalities were out of the way, I decided to lay it on him. We had just entered the turn into Simi Valley and the Ronald Reagan Freeway was uncommonly traffic-free.

“Tim, check this out.”

I pressed play and turned the dial clockwise.

“Song for the Dumped” comes out of the gates like a 2-ton Brahma bull with mad cow disease. It begins with the kind of musical gusto and hysteria that most songs take 2 or 3 verses to build up to. A veritable free-for-all of violent strikes to the piano that cause your neck to joyously whiplash in lunatic rhythm for almost 4 minutes.

I looked over at Tim who seemed more horrified at my frenzied antics than impressed by my new favorite song. Fudge. I blew it. I mean, I don’t know what I had expected.

Or wait... Yes I do... I expected Tim to be completely taken with the music, magically know the words, and wildly sing-a-long with me while we sped down the 118 to our First St exit. I immediately let go of the dream, and turned on KNX 1070 News Radio for the rest of the drive.

I didn’t call home very often when I was in Colorado. When you’re away from home, you assume everyone’s in a holding pattern until you get back (FYI to any teenage readers: NOT THE CASE).

I was back home the day after classes ended for the Summer. I went to visit Tim at work and bring him a sandwich from The Hat. I walked into his mini-office and heard “Philosophy” blasting through the speakers of a boom box sitting on top of the file cabinet. Sitting at the desk was Tim, mouthing the words and feeling it. Like, for real.

This was 10 years ago.

Tonight, Tim-Tam and I are going to see Ben Folds beat the shit out of his piano live for our first time. No doubt, we will be completely taken with music, magically know all the words, and wildly sing-a-long.

PS Thanks, Eric.

*Molly is the girl Tim had a crush on for about 1 week in the third grade.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh, BTW...

Originally uploaded by LA Dodgeball
Dodgeball is back.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Everyday Miracles

Eric and Doug living life to the fullest.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Why I Love Richard Christy" by Melanie

Richard Christy* falls asleep listening to this; his favorite scary soundtrack.

Ever. Single. Night.

His fiance listens along with him.

Super strange, I know. But here's what really got me.... there's a part in the tape where a woman starts screaming and it wakes up Richard's fiance and scares the shit outta her.


Richard made a special version of the tape where the screaming has been mixed down. And that is why I love Richard Christy.

Well that and because he has drummed in metal bands named "DEATH" and "Charred Walls of the Damned."

Oh Richard. Just look at you.

*Richard Christy

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saul Leiter aka Love of My Life

I love Saul Leiter. I do, so deeply, and usually spend my last waking moments with him in my bed each night. He gives me sweet dreams. Early Color is my single most favorite photography book ever in the whole entire world. Look...

I try to spend time with my other loves: Parr, Eggleston, Winograd, and Lyon.....
But Saul has my heart.
Here. One more, then goodnight...
OK. Goodnight.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Expert Dance Moves

I logged in to my YouTube account after many months and found that my brother, Angelo, has been using it to upload little movies he makes at work. I CANNOT stop watching this one. It is bringing me so much joy, especially the boy on the far right during the first 4 seconds of the video.

Know Your P's and K's

Dear Angelo,
I'm cataloging (see below), lest we forget.
From, Melanie

  • Stop ik, that hurks.
  • One Hundrek.
  • Angee, do you wanna get some copfkee?
  • I got pulled over by the copks last night.
  • I have the hipkups.
  • I drokked the baby on accident.
  • Has anyone seen my keyps?
  • I'm on Team Edwark.
  • You're stupik.
  • That's a Corgi on my tea cupk.
  • Publiksher's Clearing Houkse.
  • I cannok believe you just said that.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tim's been helping me put together a new website for the animal hospital. Go take a little look. You will see things like this there...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Get the kids together and bang your pots and pans. I'm happy that last year is last year. I sure do like all of you a lot. So let's be nice.