It's like asking "Who wants..."
"one million dollars?"
"a doughnut?"
"to watch Walker, Texas Ranger?"
Everyone. That's who.
The hard part was finding someone who would be as obsessively devoted to him as I have become. As well as, appreciate that Freddie Mercury overbite he displays so beautifully.
So when Rebecca, my lovely coworker from the animal hospital, said that she would be interested in having him over for what we told her fiance, Ryan, was a "temporary sleepover party," I was so so happy.
And so so sad.
How could I not be? Look...
And so, the last few days have been spent diagnosing Steve with as many ailments as we could think up, to further endear him to Ryan. Here is what we have come up with as of this afternoon...
Mind you, we have doctor's notes...
Oral deformation.
Pemphigus (look it up).
We're pretty sure it's working. And if it doesn't....
Well, then we'll just have to tell him about how cute Steve was when he yawned today.
That should do it.
Oh Steve, you little Lupus Baby Shark Sweetie. I can't wait to see you next weekend.
Joint custody, ya'll.
Today we went on a walk, only Steve doesn't understand the leash and wants to run with the big dogs and Bronco peed on his head. Then a 8 or 9 year old girl came up to us and asked if she could pet the puppy. Of course you can, little girl. She then tried to explain to me that Steve was actually her uncles dog and she was just about to put up signs and how much they miss him and are heart broken. Nice try. Steve turns little girls into liars. I was telling Ryan that I can't remember the last time I've smiled and laughed this much. Steve is like the little asian baby I've always wanted to adopt.
I knew it was never just a "sleepover party".
awwwww hopefully bruno doesnt beat him up...haha jk becca...awwwww Steeevvveeeeee
Oh man. Can I get in on the sleepover party!!!!!!?????????? Ahhhhhggggghhhh!
i am a friend of michelles. [see above]
i really like your animal pictures and stories.
and i want to hold that puppy.
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