Today is my parents 35th anniversary.
Would have been.
I really wanted to write and come up with something cute and clever and poignant.
Blah blah blah.
I can't.
I'm still a kid.
I want to go home.
I want to live with my brothers and my sisters.
I want my mom and dad to be together so I can give them their anniversary present and be at our old house and watch old family movies and talk about memories that don't involve the divorce, because the divorce would have never happen.
I can't.
So instead I'll sit here and twirl my mom's wedding ring around my finger, stopping every once in a while to read the inscription on the inside...
I Love You 11-10-73
Even though I stole it from my mom, I wish I wasn't the one wearing this ring.
I want my family, too.
Your oldest sister and biggest fan
wheres josh?
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