So, there's this dog here. She's little. She's white. She's fulffy. I'm calling her Marshmallow. One week ago, she was stray and running around a schoolyard in Van Nuys. Now, one week later, she's spayed and running around the house in Hollywood.
Marshmallow is sweet like candy. She's taken on the responsibility of making sure all the other dogs' ears are clean. I know, kind of gross, but when you see it happen, it's effing adorable. Also, her preferred method of sleeping is on my head. Again, gross, yet adorable. Everybody wants her and she wants everybody.
Her first day at the dog park, she positioned herself between my feet the entire time. This is no small task, as I spend a lot of my time there running after the other dogs while they run after squirrels that run up into the hills. Marshmallow's next day at the park was like watching Roberto Benini accept his Oscar; only cuter and less annoying. She managed to be in mid-jump pretty much the entire time, landing on various objects, including but not restricted to: bushes, dogs, coffee cups, people. They all seemed to happily welcome her arrival, though; even the bushes.
On Saturday, I'm bringing Marshmallow up to my Grama's house in Springville (2 hours away). Papa died last year and Grama needs a friend. And since Marchmallow never seems to have enough, they'll be a good match. I was explaining Marshmallow's eccentricities to my Grama i.e. her head-sleeping. She said, "Papa would NEVER have let a dog in our bed! Are you sure you don't want to drive up Friday night?"
I already like thinking about Grama and Marshmallow walking down to the river and laying on the rocks. Or Marshmallow watching Grama make pumpkin pie and fried eggs, and getting to be the official taste-tester. This will be all things good. And I already don't like thinking about Marshmallow not being here. *sigh*--like for reals. I think that 2-hour drive might take a little longer this time around.
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